Full Service on both sell-side and buy-side transactions
Whether planning on a carefully staged exit strategy or responding to an unsolicited inquiry, the experienced M&A professionals of First Chicago Advisors can assist senior management and owners with evaluating and executing a strategy to best maximize shareholder value.
Understanding the M&A Process
Having managed hundreds of transactions, we have a deep understanding the M&A process. In fact, it is the process that will yield the best outcome and it is our unique management and knowledge of the process that separates us from the rest. Other factors include:
- The nuances of various valuation techniques - understanding of the true value drivers in a particular industry.
- Strategies to professionally market a company's leading attributes, while proactively addressing potential issues that may, if not handled correctly, detract from value.
- How due diligence should be done and how to manage it - especially if private equity firms are involved.
- Assisting legal, accounting and other consultants in executing a team approach.
- Facilitating structure and terms of purchase agreements and employment contracts.
- Strategies for integrating an acquisition into a parent company and the personnel questions involved.